Koehler Paper sets new production speed record with Voith paper machine
von Ansgar Wessendorf,
To mark the occasion, Voith presented Koehler with an engraved glass plate that records this historic speed record.
From left to right: Dr. Stefan Karrer, Chief Technical Officer Koehler; Joachim Uhl, Plant Manager Kehl; Dr. Michael Trefz, President Projects Voith Paper; Michael Rendsburg, President Voith Paper Projects EMEA.
(Source: Koehler Paper)
Designed as one of the most efficient specialty paper machines in the world, Koehler Paper commissioned Voith’s production line 8 at its Kehl mill at the end of October 2019 – after a previous project time of only around two and a half years.
Thanks to ongoing optimization, the company recently achieved a groundbreaking level of performance for the production of around 40 gsm base paper at a continuous speed of more than 1,400 m/min. Thanks to intensive cooperation, permanent project support and continuous optimization from Koehler and Voith, the line achieved an average speed of 1,410 m/min over a period of 24 hours as well as a maximum value of 1,432 m/min – a world record for the MG paper machine.
On the occasion of this event, Voith presented Koehler Paper with an engraved glass plate that records this historic speed record. At the award ceremony at the Kehl mill last week, Dr. Michael Trefz, President Projects at Voith, was pleased to present the recognition: “An outstanding value, which was made possible by the cooperation between Koehler and Voith, the combination of extensive technical knowledge and a long-standing and trusting partnership. Koehler and Voith are thus once again demonstrating their pioneering spirit in paper production.” Dr. Stefan Karrer, COO at Koehler, and Joachim Uhl, Mill Director in Kehl, also appreciate the cooperation and are proud of the team’s performance on production line 8: “The optimizations have enabled us to raise our machine to a new level.”
Joint development of trailblazing packaging paper products
Another outcome of the collaboration between Koehler and Voith is the development of cutting-edge products. As part of the development partnership for new paper grades, Voith carried out several test series on the R&D pilot coater at the Voith Paper Technology Center in Heidenheim. The technological requirements of the new paper grades were investigated in depth and then implemented in the new production line. This has resulted in the innovative products of the NexFlex® product line, Koehler’s flexible packaging paper.
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