Higher productivity and transparency in gravure cylinder production
von Ansgar Wessendorf,
The CYON Performance dashboard – clearly structured analysis in tables and diagrams
(Source: Kaspar Walter)
Cyon stands for “CYlinder ONline” and takes the PICS and Production Viewer software packages of German company Kaspar Walter to the next level. This new database solution makes cylinder manufacturing data transparent to users and this improved data quality makes it easier for management and operators to optimize cylinder production.
Overview due to intelligent query options
Cyon enables tracking of production data throughout the entire cylinder production value chain. Information related to the ongoing production of cylinder sets is available in real time. Analyses can be compiled over definable periods based on the available data for the finished cylinders.
Informative KPI‘s, benchmarks and further details are easy to obtain in a structured diagram or table. Data can be checked for the entire AutoCon line, individual sections of the line (copper, chrome, engraving) or comparisons of several machines.
Modular design
Currently, the following Cyon modules are available for AutoCon production lines: Cyon Performance, Cyon Alert and Cyon Transport. Further modules are at the planning stage.
The Cyon Performance module
The heart of the solution is the Cyon Performance module, which displays the key performance indicators for machines and production sections. Data of produced cylinders are recorded and displayed based on all kinds of aspects. The “production output” display, for instance, indicates key figures per day, week or month and also per shift, if required. Just like a planning board in an MIS or ERP system, the “overview” display provides details of “machine availability” and “machine utilization” (status and capacity utilization of the cylinder production line down to the level of individual machines) in figures and diagrams. This means the planned and actual performance levels can be compared and any unused capacity can be tapped.
The Cyon Performance Dashboard CU (Source: Kaspar Walter)
Cyon Alert and Cyon Transport
In case of automated production, it is essential to define alarm settings to get fast support and minimal downtimes even if there are no operators present.
Cyon Alert therefore sends error messages by e-mail. Errors and alarms for a selected period can also be provided for evaluation and optimization.
The Cyon Transport module issues time-referenced notifications about cylinder movements with the transport unit. This makes it possible to keep track of which cylinder is being produced, where and when or which equipment the cylinder has previously passed through.
Plug and play
One big advantage of the Kaspar Walter AutoCon systems with Windows 10 IoT and GGI (from Version 2.0) is easy plug-and-play installation in an existing IT structure. Data is easy to export in MS Excel standard format for use in other planning and administrative systems or enhanced analyses.