Riverside Gravure Ltd. fully commissioned a new CuMax copper tank provided by German company K. Walter
(Source: Riverside Gravure)
The Great Britain based specialist gravure cylinder manufacturer Riverside Gravure Ltd. fully commissioned a new CuMax copper tank provided by German company K. Walter. This is a most welcome addition to their existing copper line giving them more flexibility and efficiency, reducing waste and saving energy.
A copper tank for package printers
These compact, high-quality tanks are designed for the needs of package printers and service providers. With adapters, both hollow and shaft type cylinders can be processed. The narrow design of the tanks enables back-to-back placement. The tank is made of polypropylene, divided into a working and a storage trough. It is provided with a valve for complete drainage of the upper trough and drain connection for rinsing of the anode basket and a Titanium anode basket with automatic vertical adjustment. The parking position of the anode basket is below the electrolyte level to prevent oxidation of copper nuggets. As an option, a Copper reduction unit with insoluble anode is available.