ChromeXtend or chrome (VI) authorisation receives approval
von Ansgar Wessendorf,
Kaspar Walter’s ChromeXtend application for authorization was approved by the European Commission
(Source: K Walter)
On 28th February 2024, Kaspar Walter’s ChromeXtend application for authorization was approved by the European Commission for further use of Chromium(VI) (chromium trioxide) for the printing and embossing industry until the end of 2032.
With this decision, there is now planning certainty for the engraving and embossing industry in Europe.
The authorities support the substitution plan towards the safe and non-hazardous solution, which Kaspar Walter has already launched onto the market with HelioChrome NEO (Chrome (III) process).
The industry is therefore granted a transition period until the end of 2032 and it is strongly recommended that all users develop a future-proof Chrome-strategy.
Within the next few weeks, the company expects the implementing decision by the European Commission and will inform its customers accordingly in detail.